Monday, July 16, 2007

1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?
to know what are attitudes, how we value our self and others and to classifeid your self and to know your self more.............!

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?
well for me is it wold make me more and more responsible as now what i am and what they are and well make my vision more and more wider.

second meeting question

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?
well it's a wierd because i don't know any one in our seaction but when i know them well they are friendly to me. and it is fun because of our proffesors and very slow i have a new friends now it is still growing i have many many friends and it is not wierd now.

2. How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? How do you find your courses? What sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions and social involvement?
well when i first enter is see our proff i was scarred becouse sir dc is our first subject but now i see him a nice person. about my classmates well i see their vert very own attitudes. about our schoolmates some are nice and some are bad to me and some are cutes.......................... and their is one that got me strait but its a secret.

third week meeting questions

1. Write your thoughts/reflection about the Freshmen Night using the guide questions below:a. What were the things, scenes and events you have seen during the Freshmen Night?
In the freshmen's night all the student's are shouting and makeing what they wan't and all the student's are bussy to picture the bands and the mapua cardinals, my reflection is the freshmen night is to take away the stress of the student while studiying here to reserve us for more further works, and i thought all of the student's are want to see the consert but i am wrong or totally wrong.

2. Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL. This could be something positive or negative. Use the outline below: third week
well about our classroom it is fine and always cold and it's very very nice like Sir D.C always saying to us if other school have latest technologies like we have this and we all appriciate that. One time in our logic the class have a nice lesson and nice and sir was saying that we should value our class room.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


1.Looking back at the list of possitive characteristics and qualities what whould you feel and realized about it?If i see it again well i will get confuse because of i will say to my self that is that true what do i really chose that do i reallly know my self on that time when i am ansering that.2.The golden rule say do whant others as you would have others do uto you.A. give the following situations, now would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates.Well i wan't them to be true to me becouse i will say what i dosen't wan't to them and i wan't some respect for what i'am and who i'am as a frishmen student i want equal respect and equal kindness to every body and have their respect if they wan't to respect them.B. Considering the given on how to treat others with respect. What can you commit to your self in tems of dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students. employees,security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?to know what their maners and their treats and qualities and what is their view and what do they say to me if they respect me, i will respect them like that they treat me as well of what can they sid to me or do to me.